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daily prayer guide

Prayer is the foundation of our ministry, which means that you play a vital role in the transformation of lives in mission. The Daily Prayer Guide (DPG) outlines current requests and praise items for each of our global workers, featuring them on a bi-monthly basis.
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Prayer Works

R & M - France

“Over the last two years, StoryChannel was able to air over 17,000 hours of Bible based programming to millions of people. Many have heard the story of Jesus for the first time in their native tongue. Thank you for your prayers. Pray for discussions and meetings we will be having at an upcoming conference for North African ministries; that these will allow for even more effective work together. Pray also for wisdom and discernment in cultivating and nurturing the French church in Sète.”

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? ~ Romans 10:14

Thank you for praying!